About Courage

Courage in Dharma encompasses the inner strength to confront and overcome fear, delusion, and adversity on the path to awakening. It involves steadfastness in upholding virtuous qualities, such as compassion and wisdom, despite challenges. Courageous actions in Dharma include facing the truth of impermanence and the nature of suffering with resilience and determination. It also involves fearlessly embracing ethical conduct and engaging in practices that benefit oneself and others, driven by altruism and the aspiration for enlightenment.
108 Verses Praising Great Compassion By Lama Lobsang Tayang
This translation of 108 Verses Praising is of the renowned Mongolian Lama Lobsang Tayang's work. He was a highly esteemed interpreter of the Gelugpa tradition, and his writings cover a wide range of Tibetan literature, Tantra, logic and philosophy.
About Lama Lobsang Tayang
Geshe Lobsang Tayang was born in 1867 in the Gobi desert, was renowned for his vast knowledge of Buddhism. He was compared to the Indian pandit Ashvagosha, author of the “50 Verses .
Explaining God of Compassion Avalokitesvara
Avalokitesvara is a bodhisattva who uses to embodies the compassion of all Buddhas. He is one of the more widely revered bodhisattvas who helps in mainstream Mahayana Buddhism. In China and its sphere of cultural influence, Avalokitesvara is often depicted in an also female form known as Guan Yin.
The Viability of Avalokitesvara
In this portion, we are going to learn about the viability of Avalokitesvara, after the short description of the word Avalokitesvara itself
Avalokitesvara is .
Bhuvaneshwari Yantra – Meditation Object
Goddess Bhuvaneswari holds the fourth position among the Dus Mahavidya’s. The word Bhuvaneshwari is a Sanskrit word which means the queen of the universe. Goddess Bhuvaneshwari is the ruler of the whole universe. She controls and influences the situations as per her wish.
The name of the Mahavidya itself means the ruler of the world and a Sadhak of Bhuvaneshwari is always victorious on all fronts in life and becomes all powerful.
A Sadhak of Bhuvaneshwari .
Tara – The Female Buddha
Tara is actually the perfection of wisdom, and she is the mother of all the Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, Shravakas, and Pratyeka Buddhas. This wisdom is actually beyond any forms or signs or descriptions. But out of great compassion, in order to help sentient beings, she appears in a physical form that is the Tara. The word Tara means “Saviour” or “One Who Saves”.
Why Tara is called as the female Buddha?
There are male and female Buddhas .
Goddess Durga – The killer of demon Durgamasur
Durga is the original manifested form of Mother Parvati or Adi-Parashakti. The meaning of Durga is "the inaccessible" or "the invincible", is the most popular incarnation of Devi and one of the main forms of the Goddess Shakti in the Hindu pantheon. Parvati took the form of Durga to kill the demon Durgamasur.
Goddess Durga and festivals
In Nepal, Goddess Durga is worshiped during Dashain festival. Durga is worshipped in ten forms with one form for each day in Nepal and celebrated across the country .
Chinnamasta Shivashakti
Chinnamasta is the Hindu Goddess of transformation. She is one of the Mahavidyas, the wisdom Goddesses, and is probably the most terrifying of them. She is depicted holding her own head, which she has just cut off.
Stories of her origin vary, but one relates that Parvati was bathing with two attendants, Jaya, and Vijaya when the attendants asked the Goddess to satisfy their hunger. After putting them off several times, Parvati looked all around .
The Buddha’s Way of Virtue
The Dhammapada was accepted at the Council of Asoka in 240 B.C. as a collection of the sayings of Gautama, yet it was not put into writing until some generations had passed, and probably contains accretions of later date.
However that may be, there is no doubt that it breathes the very spirit of the Teacher, and it has always been used in Buddhist lands as a handbook of "devotion" or meditation, in whose solemn .
A Short Story Of Amitabha
The Sakyamuni Buddha described the Buddha Amitabha to Ananda. The Light that issues from Amitabha Buddha is the most brilliant, and none is comparable to him. In adoration we call him:
The Buddha of Infinite Light
The Buddha of Immeasurable Light
The Buddha of Boundless Light
The Buddha of Inexpressible Light
The Buddha whose Light surpasses the Sun and the Moon
Whoever is blessed with the Light will enjoy a calm and peaceful life which is free of .
Avalokitesvara and its forms
Among the 108 forms of Lokeswara Avalokitesvara is one who refuses to accept Nirvana since he considers such acceptance is selfish in view of the ignorance of the great majority of the people who have not yet attained the stage. His sacrifice symbolizes infinite compassion(Karuna), sharing of mankind's misery, willingness to help those in distress. He holds in his hand the indestructible jewel. He is savior and protector from danger. So his mantra "OM MANI PADME HUM" .