The Bitter Sweetness of Attachment - Coffee and Karma
Tibetan Buddhist Tradition

The Bitter Sweetness of Attachment – Coffee and Karma

Last month, Venerable illuminated the nuances of during a weekend retreat at The Center-Thubten Norbu Ling.

Through the lens of realizations, René used humor to highlight the futility of attachment, noting that even in the (intermediate state), our cravings, like for coffee, remain unsatisfied.

As he quipped, “There’s no coffee in the bardo.”

Attachment, as explained in the Twelve Links of Dependent Origination, manifests in our very existence.

Venerable , during her two-week visit, emphasized this point through various , including dependent arising, introductory , and .

She illustrated the power of attachment with a poignant story of a fisherman whose lifelong in killing fish blinded him to their .

This attachment, rooted in past , painted a divine picture of fishing for him, leading to his rebirth in lower due to unpurified karma.

Robina stressed that the tragedy lies in how attachment distorts reality, leading us to harm ourselves and others.

By understanding and addressing attachment at its root, , we can begin to break free from its grip.

Her teachings implore us to recognize attachment’s subtlety and its pervasive influence on our lives, emphasizing the necessity of understanding and overcoming it to end suffering.


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