The effect of habitual patterns in Meditation with Pomnyun Sunim
Jungto Society - KR

The effect of habitual patterns in Meditation with Pomnyun Sunim

During a Q&A session on with , a participant inquired if making an effort to be conscious of one’s habits and being mindful of them can be a goal of meditation.

With the overarching goal of leading a life free from suffering, meditation addresses the role of habitual patterns that often result in repetitive and compulsive reactions, contributing to inner pain.

Pomnyun emphasizes that recognizing these emotional and behavioral patterns is crucial in breaking free from automatic responses.

However, he clarifies that while awareness of habits is an integral aspect of meditation, it serves as a means to a more profound end: attaining and liberation from .

The discussion underscores the transformative potential of , highlighting its role not only in understanding one’s internal dynamics but also in cultivating and resilience.

Ultimately, the exploration of habits within meditation practice offers a pathway to greater self-awareness and from the cycles of suffering.



  1. The talk addresses the following questions:

    • What role do habitual patterns play in meditation practice?
    • How do habitual patterns contribute to inner suffering?
    • What is the overarching goal of meditation?
    • How does mindfulness of habits support the pursuit of freedom from suffering?
    • Is awareness of habits the ultimate aim of meditation?
    • What deeper goal does mindfulness of habits serve within meditation?
    • How can meditation help individuals break free from automatic responses?
    • What is the transformative potential of mindfulness in meditation?
    • How does mindfulness contribute to greater self-awareness?
    • How can meditation lead to inner peace and resilience?

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