The Iron Bodhisattva statues of Shanxi
Art, History, and Heritage

The Iron Bodhisattva statues of Shanxi

Shanxi, situated in the core of , has a long-standing relationship with that has been established over many years.

One of its most remarkable and spiritually meaningful contributions to and are the Iron .

These statues, some of which are more than a thousand years old, are not only remarkable examples of craftsmanship but also carry a great deal of symbolism within the Chinese tradition.

The Iron is a symbol of spiritual power that has been revered since the Han Dynasty (202 BCE–9 CE; 25–220 CE).

It is placed at the center of an as a focal point for prayer and devotion in , and it is believed that its presence can bring and according to the principles of feng shui.

Crafting an Iron Bodhisattva requires a deep understanding of and the ability to form molds.

After the iron castings cooled, they were often gilded with gold or bronze to reflect their sacredness.

Unfortunately, during of turmoil, such as Emperor Wu’s (r. 561–78) reign, these statues were desecrated and stripped of their gold, robbing them of their religious significance.


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