The lay educational philosophies of Master Taixu
From the Ground Up - CA

The lay educational philosophies of Master Taixu

The Mitacs project conducted at UBC from September to December 2023 delved into the educational philosophies of , a trailblazer in modern reform and education.

While previous academic inquiries primarily scrutinized Taixu’s ideas on education and reform, this project uniquely explored his perspectives on layman education, shedding light on overlooked facets of his comprehensive educational ethos.

Taixu’s approach to lay education was intricately interwoven with the socio-political milieu of his era.

Confronted with internal and external challenges confronting during the Republican era, Taixu advocated for monastic reforms and the establishment of lay Buddhist organizations.

He discerned that confining Buddhism solely within monastic confines contributed to its decline, prompting him to champion lay education as pivotal for revitalization.

Central to Taixu’s vision was the cultivation of a lucid understanding of Buddhist principles among lay adherents, untethered from superstitions and supernatural beliefs.

He advocated for a rational, worldly-oriented approach, guiding lay Buddhists to assimilate the of devoid of dogma.

Moreover, Taixu recognized the emergent role of lay practitioners in propagating Buddhism, albeit stressing the ethical symbiosis between monastic and lay communities, with the former retaining primacy in spiritual leadership.

Taixu’s paradigm for lay practice diverged from sects, advocating for a progressive method emphasizing and ethics.

He introduced concepts like creating a and rebirth therein, seeking to reconcile seemingly disparate ideas into a cohesive spiritual framework.

Proposing the establishment of the Buddhist Zhengxinhui, Taixu envisioned a collaborative platform for and laypeople to safeguard and disseminate .

This envisioned alliance epitomized his vision of a synergistic relationship between the two spheres, transcending individual interests for the collective advancement of Buddhism.

In , Master Taixu’s seminal contributions to lay education were not merely doctrinal but emblematic of a profound societal reconfiguration, wherein Buddhism could dynamically engage with the evolving contours of modernity.

His educational legacy endures as a beacon of , inspiring a harmonious synthesis of tradition and progressivism within Buddhist pedagogy.


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