Thubten Chonyi on the benefit of death
Sravasti Abbey - US

Thubten Chonyi on the benefit of death

In this talk Venerable delves into the profound concept of using one’s life and death as a means to benefit others.

Through stories of individuals who approached death with and clarity, such as the who allowed people to sit with his after death and the friend who faced her final days with and grace, she highlights how deaths can inspire connection, compassion, and personal transformation.

Encouraging practitioners to embrace death with and compassion, Thubten Chonyi emphasizes the importance of leading a virtuous life and cultivating positive qualities to carry forward into the transition of death.

Ultimately, she concludes that the imprints left by one’s death can ripple through future lives, making it inevitable for death to be of benefit to someone, underscoring the profound interconnectedness of life and death.


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