University of Delhi to establish a Centre for Advanced Studies in Buddhism
Buddhistdoor Global (BDG)

University of Delhi to establish a Centre for Advanced Studies in Buddhism

’s Ministry of Minority Affairs has approved a significant initiative by the University of Delhi to establish a Centre for Advanced Studies in .

This venture aims to enrich India’s higher education by fostering a deeper understanding and preservation of and .

The proposed center will collaborate with subject matter experts to develop curriculum guidelines and course materials tailored to the needs and interests of minority students.

This move comes as a response to the growing demand for Buddhist studies courses in India, with students increasingly seeking such programs abroad, notably in the United States.

Moreover, the University of Delhi plans to introduce a program focused on the science of , recognizing its paramount importance in life.

This initiative underscores the university’s commitment to holistic education.

This endeavor aligns with the larger Indian government plan to promote Buddhism across the country, aiming to secularize and standardize education while preparing individuals for the future economy.

Despite being a predominantly nation, India boasts a diverse landscape, with Buddhism representing a significant minority, particularly in regions like Maharashtra, Ladakh, , and the Chakma autonomous region.


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