About Appamāda

Apramāda is a Buddhist term translated as "conscientious" or "concern". It is defined as taking great care concerning what should be adopted and what should be avoided. In the Pāli Canon, a collection of the Buddha's earliest teachings, the term appamāda is quite significant and the essence of the meaning cannot be captured with one English word. "Heedfulness", "diligence", and "conscientiousness", are all words that capture some aspects of appamāda. It is identified as one of the eleven virtuous mental factors within the Mahayana Abhidharma teachings.
Buddha in Dhyana, which in this context means: The meditative training stage on the path to Samadhi.

Buddhist Mindfulness – People, concepts & teachings

is the practice of purposely bringing one's attention in the present moment without evaluation, a skill one develops through or other training. Mindfulness derives from sati, a significant element of Buddhist traditions, and is based on Zen, Vipassanā, and Tibetan meditation techniques. Though definitions and techniques of mindfulness are wide-ranging, Buddhist traditions explain what constitutes mindfulness such as how past, present and future moments arise and cease as momentary sense impressions and .
Rigveda (padapatha) manuscript in Devanagari, early 19th century

Glossary of Sanskrit words & phrases

The following list consists of notable concepts that are derived from Hindu and Buddhist cultures and associated traditions, which are expressed as words in Sanskrit or other Indic languages and Dravidian languages. The main purpose of this list is to make it easy for one to find specific concepts, and to provide a guide to unique concepts of and Buddhism all in one place. Many Sanskrit concepts have an Indian secular meaning as well as .