About Drikung Kagyu

Drikung Kagyu or Drigung Kagyu is one of the eight "minor" lineages of the Kagyu school of Tibetan Buddhism. "Major" here refers to those Kagyu lineages founded by the immediate disciples of Gampopa (1079-1153) while "minor" refers to all the lineages founded by disciples of Gampopa's main disciple, Phagmo Drupa (1110-1170). One of these disciples, Jigten Sumgön (1143-1217), is the founder of Drikung.
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Schools of Tibetan Buddhism

There are various schools or traditions of Tibetan Buddhism. Tibetan Buddhism has four major schools, namely (c. 8th century), (11th century), (1073), and (1409). The four major schools are sometimes divided into the Nyingma (or "Old Translation") and Sarma (or "New Translation") traditions, which follow different canons of scripture (the Nyingma Gyubum along with Termas and the Tengyur-Kangyur respectively). The four main traditions overlap markedly, such that "about eighty percent or more of .
Black Mahakala Statue Real Gold and Thangka Color

All about Wisdom Protector – Mahakala

is a male deity. He is the protector deity known as a in , especially most traditions, in Tangmi and in Japanese Esoteric . Maha literally translates as great and Kala signifies or death, hence Mahakala means "beyond the time" or "Great Black One". Mahakala is a protector deity and specifically the primary Protector of and . In some cases, Mahakala can also be a meditational .