Nyingma tantras – Beyond the methods of Highest Yoga 5Aug2022 Tantrism, Vajrayāna Mahayoga Longchen Nyingthig Zhitro Guhyagarbha tantra Maṇi Kambum Nyingma Gyubum Self-existing Perfection Vima Nyingtik Union of the Sun and Moon The Mirror of the Mind of Samantabhadra +14
Buddhist texts – The words of the Buddha 31Jul2022 Literature Dhammapada Longchen Nyingthig Eleven-Faced Avalokitesvara Heart Dharani Sutra Mahāvastu Topra Kalan Maṇi Kambum Viśeṣastava Udanavarga Tattvasamgraha Seri-Vanija Jathaka Katha +15
Dzogchen practices – Awakening rigpa 26Jul2022 Meditation, Vajrayāna Phowa Rainbow body Chöd Dream yoga Esoteric transmission Pointing-out instruction Dark retreat Longchen Nyingthig Tögal Trul khor +5