About Meditation posture

Various meditative postures have been used in meditation. Sitting, supine, and standing postures are used. The bodily positions applied during Yoga are found at the Wikipedia page Asana. Most well known in the Buddhist and Hindu traditions, as well as in their modern forms, are the full-lotus, half-lotus, Burmese, and kneeling positions. Meditation can also be practiced while walking, such as kinhin, or doing simple repetitive tasks, as in Zen samu, or work which encourages mindfulness.

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Ajita is the 2nd from the set of 16 great arhats. Ajita is known as ma Pham in , Sthavira Ajita in . The Life of the Ajita Ajita had all the signs of great virtue. He and the daughter of Prasenajit fell in and, even though he was a commoner, Ajita gradually proved his worthiness to the king and they were married. The explained that in a past life they had made .
Green Tara

All About Green Tara

Mother sincerely and with strong faith, will protect us from all obstacles and fulfill all our wishes. Since she is a , and since she is a manifestation of the completely purified wind element, Tara is able to help us very quickly. Tara is our common mother, our Holy Mother. When we are young we turn to our worldly mother for help. She protects us from immediate dangers, provides us with all our .

The Himalayan Yoga Tradation

The Mountains have been the home of sages for millennia. These great sages have lived and passed on of the yogic to disciples who then became passing on the teachings in an unbroken lineage since the . Twelve hundred years ago organized his teaching into five centers of the . As one of those five, our tradition is the Bharati lineage connected with the Shankaracharya at the Shringeri .

Explaining Buddhist Deity Green Tara

is a female and one of the most well-known in women. She is known as an being ready to take action to benefit sentient. The color green represents the wind element. She moves quickly as the wind to help others. The life of the Green In this section, we are going to talk about the life of Green tara, after the short etymological description of the word Green Tara .