Products related to Nervous System.

Control of The Brain and Nervous System

To attain a condition in which the fullest is possible, it is essential to control the brain and the nervous system. In old tracts we find the statement: "When the is relieved of all its impurities, there appear the perceptible signs of ... the glowing color of ." While speaking of the "brain," we must, to some extent, drop the Western concept of the brain as the sole seat of .

Bhujangasana – The Cobra Pose

or Cobra Pose is a reclining back-bending in and as exercise. It is commonly performed in a cycle of asanas in (Salute to the ) as an alternative to Urdhva Mukha Svanasana. The name comes from the words Bhujanga, "snake" or "cobra" and asana, "posture" or "seat", from the resemblance to a cobra with its hood raised. Bhujangasana is the Sanskrit name for a popular  .

Kundalini yoga – A Tantric Yoga

is derived from which is defined in Vedantic as the energy that lies dormant at the base of the spine until it is activated and channeled upward through the in the process of spiritual perfection. Kundalini is believed to be power associated with the divine feminine. Kundalini as a school of yoga is influenced by Shaktism and schools of . It derives its name through a focus on .

Specific Postures for Relaxation

While the great majority of the have a curative or therapeutic value, there are several which are purely for the purpose of . Relaxation should not be mistaken for inertia. It is not a state of lethargy; rather, it is rest after effort or, perhaps, conscious rest after the conscious effort. One definition of relaxation is "a complete resignation of the to the power of gravity, surrender of the to nature, .

Health at Your Fingertips – Mudras

A is used in , , , and as a and symbolic gesture. The most well-known mudras are used as a way of channeling the flow of essential life force energy known as during yoga and practice. The term translates as "gesture,"' "mark" or "seal" that is derived from . Although they have been around for thousands of years and have appeared in various and , including , Egyptian .

The Balancing Asana – Vrikshasana

Vrikshasana is also known as Tree Pose. Vrikshasana is a balancing . It is one of the very few standing poses in medieval and remains popular in as exercise. Vrikhasana is a standing asana that improves balance, focus, and mental clarity. The name comes from the vrikhsa means "tree," and asana means"pose."This asana requires the practitioner to stand on one leg with the other leg bent so the footrests on .

Mother of all Asana- Tadasana

Tadasana is a standing in as exercise.  Tadasana is not described in medieval texts. It is the basis for several other standing asanas. Tadasana is also known as the mother of all asana. Tadasana is also known as mountain pose. Whilst not the most exciting of poses, Tadasana or Mountain Pose is simple and un-technical. For that reason ego, most yoga practitioners ignore or pass over this pose. Tadasana is .
Hatha Yoga

Hatha Yoga – Origin, Benefits and Asanas

is the tradition most familiar to Western . The term is derived from the ha, meaning "," and tha, meaning "moon." The practice aims to unite the active and receptive qualities represented by each celestial being. Hatha yoga is a branch of yoga. In , hatha yoga is associated with popular tradition with the of the Natha through its founder Matsyendranath. Almost all Hatha yogic texts belong to .
Vinyasa yoga

What is Vinyasa yoga?

Vinyasa is a smooth transition between in styles of as such as Vinyasa Krama Yoga, , and . Especially, Vinyasa yoga is practiced when movement is paired with the breath. Description of Vinyasa yoga The vinyasa of yoga used as exercise including Pattabhi Jois's 1948 Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga and its spin-off schools such as Beryl Bender Birch's 1995 and others like Baptiste Yoga, , .