About Prasada

Prasada, Prasadam or Prasad is a religious offering in Hinduism. Most often Prasada is vegetarian food especially cooked for devotees after praise and thanksgiving to the Lord. Mahaprasada, is the consecrated food offered to the deity in a Hindu temple which is then distributed and partaken by all the devotees regardless of any orientation.

Adi Shakti Parvati – Mantra and incarnation

is a  goddess. She is the symbol of divine strength, power, , and productiveness. she is a daughter of the  Lord of the Mountains and queen Mena, as she was given a name "Parvati". Parvati is known as the mother goddess in . She is also known as Uma. She is also known as Adi-. She is called by different other names in Hindu such as , Goddess , Adi Parashakti, Shakti, , Sati, , , .
Rigveda (padapatha) manuscript in Devanagari, early 19th century

Glossary of Sanskrit words & phrases

The following list consists of notable concepts that are derived from Hindu and Buddhist cultures and associated traditions, which are expressed as words in Sanskrit or other Indic languages and Dravidian languages. The main purpose of this list is to make it easy for one to find specific concepts, and to provide a guide to unique concepts of and Buddhism all in one place. Many Sanskrit concepts have an Indian secular meaning as well as .