King Narendra Deva along with the tantric priest, Bandudatta and a local farmer, Lalit travelled all the way to Assam, to bring Padmapani Lokeshwar to Kathmandu but since they faced a lot of "sankat" (dangers) along the way, the priest Bandudatta summoned Sankata, the "deity who removes dangers".
In ancientNepal, stories about gods and goddesses have existed from the beginning of time and they were an important part of everyday life.
They elaborated everything from .
Maitreya is also known as Metteyya who is presented as a future Buddha of this world in Buddhist eschatology. In some Buddhist literature, such as the AmitabhaSutra and the Lotus Sutra, Maitreya is referred to as Ajita Bodhisattva. Maitreya is a bodhisattva who in the Buddhist tradition is to appear on Earth, achieve complete enlightenment, and teach the pure dharma.
According to scriptures, Maitreya will be a successor of the historic Sakyamuni Buddha, the .
Tsogyal was the Mother of Tibetan Buddhism. Some sources regard her as a wife of Trisong Detsen, Emperor of Tibet. Her main karmamudra consort was Padmasambhava, a founder-figure of the Nyingma tradition of TibetanBuddhism.
She is known to have revealed terma with Padmasambhava and was also the main scribe for this terma. Later, Yeshe Tsogyal also hid many of Padmasambhava's terma on her own, under the instructions of Padmasambhava for future generations.
Born a .
Who is Avalokitesvara?
Avalokitesvara, the bodhisattva of compassion, is one of the most important and popular Buddhist deities.
Avalokitesvara first appears in Indian Buddhism. He is originally mentioned as one of a number of bodhisattvas.
Avalokitesvara is famous in the Mahayana Pantheon as a Bodhisattva emanating from the Dhyani Buddha, Amitabha, and his Akti, Pandara.
Who is Pandara?
Pandara, Buddhist goddess, is the Shakti of Amitabha, and a feminine bodhisattva. She originated from the Tantric syllable PAM. Her color .
OM MANI PADME HUM is the six-syllable mantra of the Avalokitesvara, known as a savior and protector from the dangers. It is believed that one who chants this mantra, will be saved from all dangers and the misery in life. This mantra is widely used in Mahayana Buddhism for different purposes from chanting to using them in arts. The mantras are often found inscribed on rocks, prayer wheels, Chaitya walls, paths, the approaches and .
Among the 108 forms of Lokeswara Avalokitesvara is one who refuses to accept Nirvana since he considers such acceptance is selfish in view of the ignorance of the great majority of the people who have not yet attained the stage. His sacrifice symbolizes infinite compassion(Karuna), sharing of mankind's misery, willingness to help those in distress. He holds in his hand the indestructible jewel. He is savior and protector from danger. So his mantra "OM MANI PADME HUM" .
Mandala, a Sanskrit word that means a circle and represents the wholeness. Mandalas are recognized generally by concentric circles and probably many other geometric figures.
Mandalas are the most admired and discussed symbol in Buddhism. These are the geometric designs intended to symbolize the universe, and the link is made to their use in Buddhist and Hindu practices.
The word mandala has two parts. The root word is Manda and -la is a suffix .