About Seto Machindranath

Jana Baha Dyah Jatra
Seto Machindranath, also known as Janabaha Dyo, Avalokiteśvara, Karunamaya, Guanyin is a deity worshiped by both Hindus and Buddhists in Kathmandu, Nepal. The temple of Seto Machindranath is located in Jana Bahal (also known as Machhindra Bahal) in central Kathmandu. The temple is believed to have been established around the 10th century. Seto Machindranath is worshiped as an aspect of Avalokiteshvara. Every year, the deity's image is placed in a chariot and paraded around Kathmandu in a festival known as Jana Baha Dyah Jatra. The deity is bathed and repainted every year as a ritual that symbolizes the changes occurring throughout one's life.