About Shamar Rinpoche

The Shamarpa is a highly esteemed lineage holder of the Karma Kagyu school of Tibetan Buddhism, and is believed to be the physical embodiment of Amitābha. 

He is traditionally linked to Yangpachen Monastery in Lhasa, and is the second oldest tulku (reincarnated lama) in existence.
The Shamarpa is a highly esteemed lineage holder of the Karma Kagyu school of Tibetan Buddhism, and is believed to be the physical embodiment of Amitābha. He is traditionally linked to Yangpachen Monastery in Lhasa, and is the second oldest tulku (reincarnated lama) in existence.
Buddhistdoor Global (BDG)
Lama Teacher - Shamarpa

Interpreting Lama Teacher – Shamarpa

who is also known as the red hat of the Kamtsangpa school, with  Vajravarahi above the black cloak . Depicting Lama Teacher - Shamarpa The life of Shamarpa In this portion, we are going to learn about the life of Shamarpa. Now, we are going to learn about the short etymological description of the word Shamarpa itself. Etymology of Shamarpa Shamarpa is known as zhwa dmar pa in . Shamarpa is also known as , .

Shamarpa – Emanation of Amitabha

was the emanation of , the of Limitless Light: a living example of the appearance of Amitabha in our world in the form of a Mahabodhisattva. The title of Shamar means “the of the ruby-red crown”, named after the replica of the ’s own crown which he bestowed on the . The successive incarnations of the Shamarpas are also known as the “Red Hat Karmapa”. Birth and Early life The 14th Shamarpa was born .

Guru Rinpoche | Padmasambhava

The of dates back in . He is also known as the . He is the Indian of the 8th century. He is an emanation of the , and a number of  have been evolved around the Padmasambhava's life. He is popular as "The " across the , , , and many places around the world. During the of Padmasambhava, he transmitted the to hundreds of disciples. His main students, .

Shar Minub Monastery Kathmandu Nepal

is located in the , in a valley at the base of . The is founded by the late 14th . He made great efforts to establish a monastery at Shar Minub, in Kathmandu, for the benefit of students in . The Sharminub Institute is located below the holy mountain with a beautiful view over the Kathmandu valley. Meaning of Shar Minub "Shar" means "to rise", "Nub" means "to set", and .