About Spiritual practice

A spiritual practice or spiritual discipline is the regular or full-time performance of actions and activities undertaken for the purpose of inducing spiritual experiences and cultivating spiritual development. A common metaphor used in the spiritual traditions of the world's great religions is that of walking a path. Therefore, a spiritual practice moves a person along a path towards a goal. The goal is variously referred to as salvation, liberation or union. A person who walks such a path is sometimes referred to as a wayfarer or a pilgrim.

Products related to Spiritual practice

Cultivating inner enlightenment potential through the Tathāgatagarbha

Within the realm of , the of the are not confined to esoteric doctrines and spiritual ideals but are, in fact, deeply rooted in profound insights into the nature of existence and the human condition. One such exploration is found in the and the teachings from the book ", , and " derived from it. This book stands as the third volume in The Library of and .
Lung-gom-pa runner

The Tibetan Lung-gom-pa runners

is an esoteric skill in that is believed to enable practitioners to run for extended periods of without tiring. This technique is similar to those used by Kaihōgyō in and practitioners of Shugendō. Like so much about , Lung-gom-pa running remains something of an enigma. through physical endurance Lung-gom-pa, also known as " marathon runners," is a form of spiritual training within Tibetan . This practice involves intensive spiritual training, .

Establishment & History of Kalachakra Tantra

The word refers to the or cycle in . And, is considered to belong to a magnificent class. The origin of this tradition was first in and then it is most active in . This Tradition teaches on Cosmology, Theology, sociology, myth, prophecy, , and yoga. These are to signify the transformation of one and into perfect through various yogic methods. The Kalachakra .

All You need to know about Jivamukti Yoga

The method is a proprietary style of which is created by David Life and Sharon Gannon in 1984. Jivamukti is an ethical, physical, and that fuses vigorous yoga with adherence to five central tenets. Many celebrities follow this Yogic Style over . For spiritual, psychological, and physical growth, the fusion of five principles with is crucial. So this is obvious to experience an overall transformation in your .

All you need to know about Yoga

is a group of physical, mental, and or disciplines which originated in . Yoga is one of the six astika schools of philosophical traditions. There is a broad variety of yoga schools, practices, and goals in , , and . The term "Yoga" in the Western world often denotes a modern form of and yoga as exercise, consisting largely of the postures or . Origin of Yoga The word Yoga .

Explaining Mandala of Chakrasamvara

Chakrasamvara is also known as the Thirteen Deity Samvarodaya Chakrasamvara.  Chakrasamvara is from the Shri Maha Sambarodaya Tantraraja. The Esse of Chakrasamvara In this section, we are going to learn about the ease of Chakrasamvara, after that the short etymological description of the word Chakrasamvara itself. Etymology of Chakrasamvara Chakrasamvara s known as khor lo dem Chog lha chu sum Gyi Kyil kor in . Chakrasamvara is one of the most popular deities in . Chakrasamvara .
marichi Thangka

Explaining Goddess of Dawn and Light Marichi

The Goddess of the Dawn is depicted in many different . Sometimes rides a white horse through the sky, banishing the darkness and driving back the night with the orb of the in the outstretched right hand. More commonly Marichi is yellow or red in color, with one, three or more faces and six to twelve arms, seated on a chariot drawn by seven pigs, or horses, removing all obstacles to and .
singing bowl therapy

All you need to know about Singing Bowls

are a mysterious combination of , science, , and sound an connection for humanity. This rich mesh of qualities makes for many different paths of enjoyment. of Singing also known as , , DhoniPatra(sound, vessel), and suzu gongs are used for , healing purpose, sound , purpose, sound yoga, sound meditation with chantings, which have great medicinal and used from ancient .

Interpreting Vajravarahi and 5 Deities Tibetan Painting

Vajravarahi, 5 Deity principal tutelary deity of the . The life of Vajravarahi In this portion, we are going to learn about the life of Vajrabarahi, after that the short description of the word Vajravarahi itself. Etymology of Vajravarahi Vajravarahi is known as Asrdo Rje Phag mo in . Vajravarahi is one of the most popular female deities in all traditions of . Earlier, we learn about the life of the Vajravarahi. Now, we .

How to draw a Mandala?

Drawing is fun. When you are trying to create something new relax and think echo of your soul and the surroundings. and giving shape to the can be a new experience in your life which can help to explore yourself and find the , colors, and patterns to represent your current state of to your most deeply-desired wish for yourself, for a loved one, or for humanity. You can a mandala .