Embracing mindfulness for modern activism

In this episode of The Way Out podcast Joe Conino moderates a panel discussion about the relevance of , specifically the 14 trainings, in addressing modern political and social instability.

The panel features , , and Cristiana Ferz, who collectively emphasize the significance of personal practice and mindfulness in social engagement.

Shantum Seth highlights the ’s recognition of the human as the root of conflict and , asserting that the 14 mindfulness trainings guide individuals towards embodying and .

The conversation delves into the historical development of , the ancient Indian principle of nonviolence, and its influence on social and political action, especially through Mahatma Gandhi’s .

Cristiana Ferz discusses her activism journey, highlighting how practicing mindfulness can promote empathy and unity.

The speakers collectively underscore the importance of inner transformation to effect systemic change, advocating for a deep, compassionate engagement with societal issues.

Through their personal anecdotes and insights, the panelists articulate how ancient principles can provide a framework for addressing contemporary challenges, promoting a more and just world.

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