Planetary protection with Buddhist-informed values in Chile

This conference co-organized by the and the Ibero-American network for the of , marked a significant milestone in the Spanish-speaking community.

Held remotely the event gathered leading scholars and practitioners to discuss Buddhist perspectives on climate change and ecological crisis.

Day one focused on Buddhist traditions addressing climate change, featuring presentations by renowned experts like climate scientist Dr. Jordi Solé Ollé.

Day two explored themes such as Americo-Indian and feminist perspectives, Buddhism’s role in climate action, and dialogue on environmental projects.

The conference facilitated discussions, dialogues, and documentary screenings, fostering a deeper understanding of Buddhism’s relationship with planetary protection.

A forthcoming publication will compile the conference , aiming to expand the dialogue globally.

The event’s impact extends to future symposiums and initiatives, including the establishment of the Laboratory of Eco-Buddhism in Chile, furthering engagement with environmental issues within the Buddhist community.

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