Tenzin Ösel Hita talking about Lama Thubten Yeshe

talking about and Big :

“Of course, Lama Yeshe in those fifteen years [of teaching Westerners] accomplished everything that is still alive today and you can read it in the book called Big Love.

So it’s funny but it took longer to write the book than the actual fifteen years. If you want to really know about Lama Yeshe’s life and his hard work, then I would recommend you read that book.

It’s very thick and intense, but it’s really amazing, amazing to see who Lama Yeshe was.

And I said who he was, but I also want to say who he is, because right now Lama Yeshe is still alive in many people.…

I am really grateful to Lama Yeshe and also, I am very inspired by Lama Yeshe. And if I can at least maybe do one percent of what he accomplished, then for me that would be more than enough in my lifetime.”

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