The Mahamudra Practice – Unveiling the True Nature of the Mind 13Sep2022 Meditation, Tantrism, Vajrayāna
The lineage & incarnations of Kenting Tai Situpa 12Sep2022 Biography, Rinpoche, Vajrayāna Padmasambhava Maitreya Marpa Lotsawa Dombi Heruka Taranatha Chokyi Gyaltsen Drogon Rechen Pema Kunzang Chogyal Pema Nyingche Wangpo Pema Wangchok Gyalpo +21
Buddhist New Religious Movements at a glance 7Sep2022 Culture, Dharma Sakyong Mipham Vipassana movement Houn Jiyu-Kennett Shinnyo-en Shasta Abbey New Kadampa Tradition American Buddhist Movement Vajrayana Buddhist Council of Malaysia True Buddha School Triratna Buddhist Community +18
The Mindfulness Movement – Rooted in the core practice of the Buddha 6Sep2022 Culture, Dharma, Meditation Mindfulness Thích Nhất Hạnh Self-compassion Self-acceptance Nonviolent Communication Vidyamala Burch Joseph Goldstein (writer) Jon Kabat-Zinn Insight dialogue Contemplative education +24
Karmapa – Tibet’s first consciously incarnating lama 4Sep2022 Biography, Rinpoche, Vajrayāna Karmapa Black Crown Rangjung Dorje Karma Pakshi Rangjung Rigpe Dorje Mikyö Dorje Yeshe Dorje Choying Dorje Düsum Khyenpa Dudul Dorje +8
Termas & Tertöns – Padmasambhava & Yeshe Tsogyal’s succession 1Sep2022 Biography, Rinpoche, Vajrayāna Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche Jamgon Kongtrul 5th Dalai Lama Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo Dilgo Khyentse Chögyam Trungpa Namkhai Norbu Jigme Lingpa Karma Chagme Dudjom Lingpa +21
The Tulku system & the preservation of Dharma lineages 31Aug2022 Biography, Rinpoche, Vajrayāna Karmapa Tulku Thubten Zopa Rinpoche Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche Shamarpa Thubten Yeshe Sakya Trizin Chökyi Nyima Rinpoche Ogyen Trinley Dorje Dzogchen Ponlop Rinpoche +40
Tibetan Buddhist enlightened teachers & ritual masters 30Aug2022 Rinpoche, Vajrayāna Geshe Thubten Chodron Thubten Zopa Rinpoche Nagarjuna Yeshe Tsogyal Tsultrim Allione Mandāravā Machig Labdrön Atiśa Tenzin Palmo +48