Enhancing mental well-being in older individuals with meditation techniques
PsyPost - Meditation

Enhancing mental well-being in older individuals with meditation techniques

A recent published in PLOS One suggests that specific have the potential to enhance certain aspects of mental well-being, such as awareness and insight, in older individuals.

However, the effects on overall psychological well-being are more complex and require further examination.

The research was motivated by a recognition of the difficulties faced by older people in a fast-changing society.

The researchers wanted to investigate ways to improve mental in older adults that didn’t involve medication.

They were especially interested in this topic because of the increasing complexity of challenges faced by older people, such as the COVID-19 pandemic and advancements in technology, which have added new pressures to their lives.

The objective of the research was to investigate if meditation could be an effective method to enhance the mental well-being of older individuals, who are more prone to mental health problems due to age-related changes and societal factors.


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