Jeff Highfill on Karma and the Law of Cause and Effect
Thubten Norbu Ling - Santa Fe

Jeff Highfill on Karma and the Law of Cause and Effect

In this talk focuses on the intricate concept of and the Law of Cause and Effect.

Jeff employs the analogy of planting seeds to elucidate how our actions yield results, whether virtuous or non-virtuous, emphasizing the need for in our conduct to cultivate insight and strive for .

Expounding on Karma’s relation to different states of existence, he underscores the importance of generating positive karma and avoiding negative actions through mindful living.

Jeff urges listeners to infuse daily activities with virtuous intentions, redirecting focus from self to others.

He provides a resource, “How to Cultivate in Daily Activities,” to facilitate this transformative mindset.

The discussion delves into the certainty of karma’s ripening while acknowledging life’s , urging practitioners to merge these concepts effectively in .

Jeff stresses mindfulness as a safeguard against negative consequences, advocating for awareness of , words, and intentions.

By dedicating the merit of practice to all sentient beings, listeners are encouraged to purify actions and contribute to the collective journey towards enlightenment and spiritual fulfillment.



  1. Having good intentions doesn’t guarantee positive outcomes in our actions. It’s like planting a seed without knowing what will sprout from it, you’re left unable to foresee your karma.

    To round out this analogy, considering the environment, timing, and nurturing process could add depth and completeness to the picture.

    Unless by “planting” Jeff already means seeding and nurturing, but in that case, we are discussing the Cause and Effect of a series of coordinated actions.

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