Optimizing Posture for Meditation with Sister True Dedication

In this short talk Venerable Chân Hiến Nghiêm, also known as , underscores the pivotal role of correct posture during sitting .

Emphasizing of the neck, head, spine, and shoulders, she advocates for elongating the spine and opening the shoulders to optimize meditation regardless of the chosen position, be it full , half Lotus, or chair sitting.

Sister True Dedication recognizes that individuals coping with chronic back pain may require adjustments like lying down or using a chair.

Nonetheless, she stresses maintaining an open trunk and soft chest to facilitate deep breathing and .

She frames this practice as an ongoing journey of refinement, urging viewers to embrace it as such rather than seeing it as a daunting obstacle.

In summary, Chân Hiến Nghiêm’s guidance centers on the importance of posture alignment, irrespective of meditation position, for cultivating a conducive environment for meditation.

Her inclusive approach acknowledges diverse physical needs while emphasizing the common goal of fostering relaxation and deep breathing.

Through her encouragement to perceive meditation as a continual process of growth, she instills a sense of empowerment and possibility in practitioners.

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