Pamo Cham - Empowering Women in Himalayan Buddhism
Art, History, and Heritage

Pamo Cham – Empowering Women in Himalayan Buddhism

In the referenced article, examines the fascinating realm of cham, the dances of , focusing on the as performed by the nuns of .

Breaking norms, these nuns showcase their spiritual prowess and dedication to their practice in a profoundly empowering manner.

Karen unveils the journey of the Drubdey nuns, from their humble beginnings to their groundbreaking performance at the 2014 in .

Through training and dedication, these nuns not only mastered the intricate dance but also imbued it with their own unique and devotion.

In her investigation, Karen highlights the significance of the Pamo Cham, a dance of the heroines representing the Five Families, and its role in honoring .

It also sheds light on other dances and practices cultivated by the nuns under the guidance of Tsultrim Gyamtsho .


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