About Bodh Gaya

Bodh Gaya is a religious site and place of pilgrimage associated with the Mahabodhi Temple Complex in Gaya district in the Indian state of Bihar. It is famous as it is the place where Gautama Buddha is said to have obtained Enlightenment under what became known as the Bodhi Tree. Since antiquity, Bodh Gaya has remained the object of pilgrimage and veneration for both Hindus and Buddhists.
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"Great Buddha Statue" at Bodh Gaya

Historical Buddhist pilgrimage sites in India

In religion and spirituality, a pilgrimage is a long journey or search of great moral significance. Sometimes, it is a journey to a sacred place or to a shrine of importance to a person's beliefs and faith. Members of every major religion participate in pilgrimages. A person who makes such a journey is called a pilgrim. Among the four major Buddhism sites of pilgrimage one is in Nepal: - Lumbini, where Buddha was born and the three .
Akshobhya and Shakyamuni Buddha

Akshobhya and Shakyamuni Buddha Comparisons

and are both important figures in . Both are considered to be Buddhas who have achieved and are revered as teachers of the . The main similarity between Buddha and Akshobhya Buddha is that they both represent the same core of Buddhism. They both emphasize the importance of , , and in achieving enlightenment. Upon initial inspection, Shakyamuni Buddha and Akshobhya Buddha may appear to be alike; .
Tibetan Buddhist Eighth Karmapa Mikyo Dorje

Explaining Lama Teacher Karmapa Rolpai Dorje

Rolpai Dorje who is known as the 4th wearing the and Khacho Wangpoa was the 2nd . The Life of Karmapa Rolpai Dorje In this portion, we are going to learn the life of the Karmapa Rolpai Dorje, after the short etymological description of the word Karmapa Rolpai Dorje itself. Etymology of Rolpai Dorje Rolpaie Dorje (1340- 1383) was the fourth Gyalwa Karmapa. Earlier, we learn about the life of Rolpaie Dorje. Now, we are going .

Lion Faced Dakini – Singhamukha Yogini

Lion-faced is a secret form of also has a relationship to Troma and the practice of . She is appropriate for clearing obstacles of the most pervasive and malignant kind and cutting through the “” of . This practice has been important in since the of . PeGyal Lingpa received this revelation directly from , appearing in a red-black form, instead of the more common dark blue .

The origin of the Graphic Arts of Buddhism

 is the artistic implementations  that are perused by  . It includes media which idolize  , and other of remarkable figures, both and mythical. Buddhist art explains the scenes from  the lives of all of the  and other graphic that helps to practice as well as physical objects connected with Buddhist practice, such as ,  and  . Buddhist art originated on the  following the historical life of , 6th to 5th century BCE, and .

Shamarpa – Emanation of Amitabha

was the emanation of , the of Limitless Light: a living example of the appearance of Amitabha in our world in the form of a Mahabodhisattva. The title of Shamar means “the of the ruby-red crown”, named after the replica of the ’s own crown which he bestowed on the . The successive incarnations of the Shamarpas are also known as the “Red Hat Karmapa”. Birth and Early life The 14th Shamarpa was born .