Venerable Thubten Chonyi Honors Taiwanese Bhikshunis

In this talk Venerable discusses the significance of cultivating in .

She explores two key methods: the Sevenfold Cause and Effect method and the Equalizing and Exchanging Self and Others method.

Both approaches emphasize recognizing the kindness received from others, starting with one’s mother and extending to all sentient beings.

Thubten Chonyi highlights the importance of expanding gratitude to encompass friends, teachers, strangers, and even enemies, ultimately aspiring to become a to alleviate their .

She expresses deep gratitude towards Taiwanese Bhikshunis for preserving and sharing , enabling monastics and practitioners to gather and practice.

She contemplates the bravery and of individuals who have spread throughout , such as Tibetan who carried the teachings to Western countries and those who first introduced it to Taiwan.

Her personal journey underscores the convergence of traditions in North America, facilitated by the dedication of extraordinary individuals.

Additionally, Venerable Thubten Chonyi acknowledges the crucial role of Taiwanese Bhikshunis in her and training.

Their efforts in providing ordinations, translating ceremonies, and teaching essential practices have been instrumental in her spiritual development.

She underscores the importance of the monastic community’s flourishing, supported by laypeople’s generosity, which fosters and compassion within the .

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