About Monasteries

In the context of Dharma, monasteries are sacred institutions where monks and nuns reside to dedicate themselves fully to spiritual practice and study. These centers uphold strict ethical codes and communal living (Sangha), providing an environment conducive to meditation, scripture study, and ritual observance. Monasteries serve as pillars of Buddhist teachings and traditions, preserving ancient wisdom and transmitting it to future generations. They play integral roles in their communities by offering spiritual guidance, conducting ceremonies, and serving as places of retreat and pilgrimage. Monasteries embody the values of humility, discipline, and compassion, fostering both individual spiritual growth and collective harmony within the broader society.
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Products related to Monasteries

Kathmandu Valley

11 Monasteries around Kathmandu Valley

There are many , , and around valley some of them are listed below: Kopan MonasterySwayambhunath StupaThrangu Tashi Choling MonasteryShechen MonasteryNamobuddha monasterySeto GumbaBouddhanath MonasteryCharumati StupaSeto Machhendranath TempleTharlam MonasteryShree Ghah Gumba Kopan Monastery is located in Kathmandu . Kopan Monastery is a  monastery near . In this monastery, the ceremony is held with or in an auspicious day and the and are purified with perfume and incense. The will .
Lung-gom-pa runner

The Tibetan Lung-gom-pa runners

is an esoteric skill in that is believed to enable practitioners to run for extended periods of without tiring. This technique is similar to those used by Kaihōgyō in and practitioners of Shugendō. Like so much about , Lung-gom-pa running remains something of an enigma. through physical endurance Lung-gom-pa, also known as " marathon runners," is a form of spiritual training within Tibetan . This practice involves intensive spiritual training, .

Muktinath and the Muktikshetra in Mustang

The holy from Gandaki river gushing out of the 108 water spouts are said to cleanse the devotees of their sins and set them on a path to salvation. The waters are to as well and it’s called '' in language meaning "a hundred springs". The Muktinath pilgrimage The are believed to be terrestrial dwelling place of saints and the home of the . The Muktinath situated at an .

The Ancient Town of Panauti and its Heritage

Panauti is one of the oldest towns in situated at the confluence of the two rivers Punyamata and Rosi. Legend has it that a third invisible river also meets with the two rivers, making it a Triveni (a scared place where three rivers meet). Many believe Panauti was named after the Punyamata river. Moreover, Panauti has been called by different names throughout like Punyawati, Punyamatinagar, Panchal desh, Punanti and Palaati. The Town The .

Buddhist monuments and the Kings of Patan

Long ago, Sarvananda of Dipavati invited sages around the country for distributing alms. , a Buddha who reached prior to , was also invited. However, instead of visiting the palace, Dipankara Buddha visited a nearby hut belonging to an old lady. In late 2021, a 1400-year-old stone inscription was discovered in front of the Bhimsen at Durbar. It was kept there by Lichhavi ruler Anshu Verma. The inscription .

The Sheshnaryan Temple & Rigzin Drubte Ghatshal Monastery

In the same complex, close to the the Sheshnarayan is the oldest in , Rigzin Drubte Ghatshal Monastery. It is a great example of and cultural pluralism in . A , a and a prophetic vision Lord is one of the principal deities of . He is part of the holy that consists of three , the creator, , the god of destruction and Vishnu who is responsible .
Itum Bahal temple

Itum Bahal and the Legend of the Demon Guru Mapa

There are innumerable in where are passed on from one generation to the next. The presence of many , , and Bahals ( courtyards) made as one of the centers of since the ancient . Some of the breathtaking and majestic sites are still fully functioning, while others are remnants of the ancient city’s glorious past. Itum Bahal (Shree Bhaskar Deva Sanskarit Kesh Krit .

Tales of Hiranya Varna Mahavihar – The Golden Temple

The golden and its sublime architectural design, the marvelous artefacts and engrossing stories have startled the of visitors and left them pondering for years. is a captivating city boasting some majestic temples and poking out from behind modern buildings to those found along the old narrow alleys and streets There are many shrines dedicated to in Patan and you don’t have to be practicing Buddhism to appreciate the architectural significance .
Hand-Painted Bhavachakra Wheel of Life Tibetan Thangka Art

Bhavachakra: Wheel of Life in Tibetan Art

has also termed of becoming or the . The is the which represents the complex pictures of views of the . Buddhists believe that the existence of the cycle of our life, death, rebirth, and seeks to escape together as a whole. According to , the wheel of life is divided into five or six states or , into which a soul .

The Dalai Lama Lineage through the Himalayan Arts

is the most recent in the huge line of lraders of branch of . He is considered to be an exemplification of or , the of , and thus the defender of . are realized beings inspired by a wish to realize for the advantage of all sentient beings, who have vowed to be reborn within the planet to help humanity. In 1578 the Mongol ruler Altan .