Dzongsar Monlam and Siddhartha Festival in Bodh Gaya

Siddhartha’s Intent (SII) has declared that in 2023, Dzongsar Khyentse and other senior monastics will lead the Dzongsar in , India.

Following this, SII will host the Siddhartha Festival, which was founded by the venerated Bhutanese , filmmaker, and author .

The Dzongsar Khyentse Chokyi Lodro Institute is hosting the Dzongsar Monlam, a biennial event held at the site of the ’s , the in Bodh .

This celebration of the life and of the Buddha will take place from 18–27 October, with a two-day program of talks, , dance, and more from 28–29 October. This festival was first held in 2006.

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