The Classification Of Thangka

can be made in a wide variety of techniques: tapestry with cut designs, color printing, embroidery, brocade, applique, and pearl inlay. Therefore, there are various styles.

The common size of thangkas, with a scroll at the bottom, is usually 75 centimeters long and 50 centimeters wide. Besides, there is the style, measuring is 1.1 meters long and about 3.5 meters wide.

According to the material, thangkas can be divided into two types:

  • gos-thang, which is made of silk
  • bris-thang, which is made of pigment

The gos-thang is printed on the canvas while the bris-thang is painted on the canvas.

 Division of gos-thang

Tshem-drub-ma is made of different kinds of silk woven by hand.

Lhan-dr-ub-ma or dras-drub-ma: To make this kind of thangka, different kinds of silk are first to cut into different shapes and then connected with needles.

Lhan-thabs-ma: This kind is a little similar to the second, but to make this one, different shapes of silk are glued together by glue .

Thag-drub-ma: This thangka is woven by hand.

Dpar-ma: To make this kind of thangka, a molding board is necessary to print the pictures into the silk.

The largest thangka of the gos-thang kind is called gos-sku, which is too big to hang up. In fact, it is only used in some special rituals. In the , there is a gos-sku with a length of 55.8 meters and a width of about 46.81 meters, made during the period (17th century).

According to the background color, bris-thang Division

Tsho-thang: The background is multicolor.

Gser-thang: The background is yellow.

Mtshal-thang: The background is vermilion.

Dpar-thang: The background is black.

Dpar-thang: The method making this kind of thangka is the same as that of water print.

The largest bris-thang is 3 meters long and 2 meters wide while the smallest one is about 30 centimeters long and 20 centimeters wide.

Special Significance

Some thangkas were last for many years. and they had special significance, they were listed in the temple, now the are paying attention to their . the thangka is one of the Tibetan arts. So there are many thangka training schools. A good is valuable. More new style of thangka appeared. More beautiful they look like.

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About sadiksha

Namaste! I am a Nepali Art Dealer specialized in Mandala and Thangka paintings. I love to write articles about the monastic culture of the Himalayas.

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