Category Bodhisattvas

In the as well as modern , a refers to anyone who has made a resolution to become a and has also received a confirmation or prediction from a living Buddha that this will be so.

Products related to Bodhisattvas

The 25 disciples of Padmasambhava

The 25 disciples of Padmasambhava also called as Guru Rinpoche were instrumental in the spread of Buddha's teachings throughout Tibet. They emerged as masters, having achieved great wisdom, understanding, and success. These Mahasiddhas are believed to have special future incarnations due to their connection with Padmasambhava's terma treasures. To this day, these disciples continue to be reborn as Tertons, imparting the teachings of Padmasambhava in a contemporary and authentic way to new .
Kuījī, also known as Ji, an exponent of Yogācāra, was a Chinese monk and a prominent disciple of Xuanzang. His posthumous name was Cí'ēn dàshī, The Great Teacher of Cien Monastery, after the Daci'en Temple or Great Monastery of Compassionate Grace, which was located in Chang'an, the main capital of the Tang Dynasty. The Giant Wild Goose Pagoda was built in Daci'en Temple in 652. According to biographies, he was sent to the imperial translation bureau headed by Xuanzang, from whom he later would learn Sanskrit, Abhidharma, and Yogācāra.

The nature of reality, consciousness and compassion

Imagine you're in a room filled with , each reflecting a slightly different version of yourself. As you look around, it's challenging to determine which reflection is the real "you". Are you the image closest to the mirror's surface, or is the true "you" hidden within the depths of the glass? This intriguing scenario mirrors a fundamental philosophical question that has puzzled scholars and thinkers for centuries: the nature of reality and . The 's .

108 Verses Praising Great Compassion By Lama Lobsang Tayang

This translation of 108 Verses Praising is of the renowned Lobsang Tayang's . He was a highly esteemed interpreter of the Gelugpa tradition, and his writings cover a wide range of literature, , logic and . About Lama Lobsang Tayang was born in 1867 in the Gobi desert, was renowned for his vast of . He was compared to the Indian pandit Ashvagosha, author of the “50 Verses .
18th-century Eastern Tibetan thanka, with the Green Tara (Samaya Tara Yogini) in the center and the Blue, Red, White and Yellow taras in the corners

The common forms of Tara – Karuṇā, Mettā & Shunyata

, Ārya Tārā, or Shayama Tara, also known as Jetsun Dölma is an important figure in Buddhism, especially revered in Tibetan Buddhism. She appears as a female bodhisattva in Mahayana Buddhism, and as a female Buddha in Vajrayana Buddhism. She is known as the "mother of liberation", and represents the virtues of success in work and achievements. She is known as Duōluó Púsà (多羅菩薩) in Chinese Buddhism, and as Tara Bosatsu (多羅菩薩) in Japan. Tārā is .
1000-armed Avalokiteśvara dated 13th - 15th century AD at Saspol cave (Gon-Nila-Phuk Cave Temples and Fort) in Ladakh

Avalokiteśvara – The embodiment of compassion

Avalokitasvara is the bodhisattva who embodies the compassion of all Buddhas. In Sanskrit, is also referred to as Lokeśvara ("Lord of the World"). In Tibetan, Avalokiteśvara is Chenrézig and is said to emanate as the , the and other high lamas. An etymology of the Tibetan name Chenrézik gives the meaning of one who always looks upon all beings with the eye of compassion. One prominent Buddhist story tells of Avalokiteśvara vowing .

Buddhist stages of enlightenment you will (eventually) reach

The nirvana state has been described in Buddhist texts partly in a manner similar to other Indian religions, as the state of complete liberation, enlightenment, highest happiness, bliss, fearlessness, freedom, permanence, non-dependent origination, unfathomable, and indescribable. It has also been described in part differently, as a state of spiritual release marked by "emptiness" and realization of non-self. While Buddhism considers the liberation from saṃsāra as the ultimate spiritual goal, in traditional practice, the primary focus of .
Padmapani Paubha

The Tales of Padmapani Lokeshwar, Sankata and the Mahankal Bhairava

Narendra Deva along with the priest, Bandudatta and a local farmer, Lalit travelled all the way to Assam, to bring Lokeshwar to but since they faced a lot of "sankat" (dangers) along the way, the priest Bandudatta summoned Sankata, the "deity who removes dangers". In , stories about and have existed from the beginning of and they were an important part of everyday life. They elaborated everything from .

The Legend of Manjushree and the Mystical Paleo Kathmandu Lake

meaning “gentle glory” is often perceived as a divine being who brought order to the valley when it was a Paleo Kathmandu Lake, by cutting down the Chobhar gorge, draining out the and making the land suitable for life. Even more intriguing is the way he did it, by using a supernatural armament, a sword of godly might, cutting the valley into two. On the historical side of affairs, there are .

A brief introduction to Black Jambhala featuring Thangka and Statue collections

, Black (: dzam bha la, nag po), a wealthy deity popularized in by Bari and the Kashmiri teacher Shakyashri . is known by in . Kuber is the . Originating in , he appeared from the river's and passed on the ability to generate to a monarch whose realm was experiencing severe financial troubles at the . He also helps the impoverished and those .
Akshobhya and Shakyamuni Buddha

Akshobhya and Shakyamuni Buddha Comparisons

and are both important figures in . Both are considered to be Buddhas who have achieved and are revered as teachers of the . The main similarity between Buddha and Akshobhya Buddha is that they both represent the same core of Buddhism. They both emphasize the importance of , , and in achieving enlightenment. Upon initial inspection, Shakyamuni Buddha and Akshobhya Buddha may appear to be alike; .