Illusory Body and Mind course added to the Wisdom Academy
Wisdom Publications

Illusory Body and Mind course added to the Wisdom Academy

This new online course offered by the Academy presents an enriching opportunity for students to delve into original alongside .

Through a blend of English and readings, students engage with the profound contained within these texts.

The Academy facilitates this exploration by providing access to translations as well as the original Tibetan versions, allowing for side-by-side comparison.

A notable feature of the course is the functional aspect that enables students to seamlessly transition between translations and the original Tibetan texts.

This functionality enhances comprehension and appreciation of the material, fostering a deeper understanding of the teachings. By embracing this feature, students are encouraged to transcend ordinary and immerse themselves in the wisdom conveyed by the texts.

Throughout the course, Kyabje guides students through the intricacies of the Tibetan texts, insights and interpretations to aid in comprehension.

The availability of this comprehensive resource for all 10 Tibetan texts covered in the course underscores the Academy’s commitment to facilitating a thorough exploration of and practice.

Through diligent and engagement with these texts, students have the opportunity to deepen their understanding of the illusory nature of and as elucidated in .


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