The connection between Dharma and the game of chess
Sravasti Abbey - US

The connection between Dharma and the game of chess

In this talk Venerable delves into the connection between , the concept of duty or purpose, and the game of chess.

Thubten Gyatso articulates the remarkable synergy between these two , emphasizing their individual significance and heightened impact when intertwined.

Through examples such as the community, Thubten Gyatso illustrates how collective support and collaborative efforts can lead to transformative outcomes, echoing the cooperative inherent in both chess and spiritual pursuits.

The discussion also explores the timeless brilliance of Paul Morphy’s Immortal Game of Chess, showcasing its enduring legacy as a testament to , sacrifice, and artistic mastery.

Thubten Gyatso draws parallels between this historic game and life’s conflicts, advocating for , introspection, and as guiding principles.

Throughout strategic chess battles, Thubten Gyatso highlights the importance of maintaining composure and seizing opportunities amidst challenges.

These tactical analyses underscore the significance of patience, determination, and vigilance, qualities essential for in both chess and .

Ultimately, Thubten Gyatso’s message resonates with the practitioners, inspiring a mindful and compassionate approach to life’s adversities, with the overarching goal of for the benefit of all beings.


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