The profound significance of holy objects and monuments in Buddhist practice
Foundation for the Preservation of the Mahayana Tradition

The profound significance of holy objects and monuments in Buddhist practice

consistently stressed the profound significance of holy objects and in practice, emphasizing their role as wish-fulfilling and spiritually transformative.

Through extensive , Zopa illuminated the benefits of holy objects and monuments, instructing practitioners on how to engage with them to purify negative , accumulate merit, and progress along the path to .

envisioned a world adorned with countless holy objects and monuments, making it effortless for sentient beings to connect with the and advance spiritually.

The Holy Objects Fund, aligned with Rinpoche’s vision, serves to manifest his aspirations by supporting the creation of structures globally.

These holy objects and monuments, including stupas, statues, and shrines, serve as focal points for devotion, meditation, and spiritual inspiration, providing practitioners with tangible manifestations of the Buddha’s teachings.

Through the presence of holy objects and monuments, practitioners are offered profound opportunities for , , and realization, contributing to the flourishing of the Dharma for the benefit of all beings.


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