Transcendence through Simplicity with Mahima Singh
Tea House: Interviews, Commentary, Reviews, Poetry

Transcendence through Simplicity with Mahima Singh

Nepalese Mahima Singh’s recent installation, “Transcendence through Simplicity” showcased at the Biennale: Spiritual Edition, encapsulates profound philosophical themes using an innovative .

Using discarded clothes, she created anamorphic figures of the and his disciples, evoking the scene of the first sermon at Deer Park, .

Through the play of light and , Mahima conveys a message of minimalism and the pursuit of through simplicity.

Her journey into contemporary art is intertwined with a deep emotional engagement, particularly highlighted by the loss of her sister during the 2015 .

This personal experience has influenced her artistic expression, prompting her to explore themes of and the transient nature of life.

Despite challenges Vikalpa, Mahima remains committed to promoting non-mainstream art and fostering a deeper understanding of through her .


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