Rochester Zen Center
Rochester Zen Center

Trueman Taylor on the Zen practice of non-abiding

In this session Venerable delves into the concept of non-abidance, tracing its origins in and its practical applications in daily life.

He begins with a historical perspective, citing ’s contributions to the concept of sunyata, or emptiness, which suggests that entities neither exist nor do they not exist.

This philosophical underpinning laid the groundwork for the idea of non-abidance.

Trueman references key such as the and the Platform , highlighting their discussions on non-abidance and its significance in .

He emphasizes the importance of detachment from appearances and abiding in real truth, as exemplified in the of the and Chan .

Furthermore, Trueman explores contemporary interpretations of non-abidance, drawing from scholarly and practical examples from Chan practice centers.

He emphasizes the practice of avoiding mental constructs during daily life, aligning actions with the intrinsic nature of the .

Trueman examines the practical applications of disregarding rules, including staying silent, practicing in daily routines, and cultivating awareness in ordinary activities.

He underscores the importance of returning to one’s practice repeatedly, as symbolized by an infinity symbol, to deepen understanding and experience of non-abidance.


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