About Lamps

In a Dharma context, lamps symbolize the dispelling of ignorance and the illumination of wisdom. Lighting lamps is a common ritual in Buddhist practice, representing the light of enlightenment that dispels the darkness of ignorance. Just as a lamp illuminates its surroundings, wisdom illuminates the mind, guiding individuals on the path towards awakening. Lamps also symbolize the inner light of awareness and mindfulness, guiding practitioners through the journey of self-discovery and spiritual transformation. In ceremonies and festivals, lamps are often lit as offerings to the Triple Gem – the Buddha, the Dharma, and the Sangha – as an expression of reverence and devotion. Additionally, lamps serve as reminders of the interconnectedness of all beings, shining their light of compassion and understanding in the world.

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Saga Dawa Festival

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The Sakyamuni described the Buddha  to Ananda. The Light that issues from is the most brilliant, and none is comparable to him. In adoration we call him: The Buddha of  The Buddha of Immeasurable Light The Buddha of Boundless Light The Buddha of Inexpressible Light The Buddha whose Light surpasses the and the Moon Whoever is with the Light will enjoy a and life which is free of .
Kalachakra Mandala

Initiation after Entering into Mandala

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Thangka Painting Making Process

A completed , however beautiful or impressive, never tells the full story of the complex process to undergo to create such a divine image. We have compiled this list of Twelve steps involved in producing a traditional Thangka sacred painting to help you appreciate your new thangka. Although certain elements of have changed since artists began painting in exile, much of traditional styles and techniques have been painstakingly retained. We hope the following will .