Tibetan Buddhist practices – Schools, sutras & tantras 5Aug2022 Vajrayāna Mandala Dakini Mahakala Kalachakra Vajrayogini Hevajra Phowa Dzogchen Jambhala Mahamudra +70
Vajrayana practices – The tantric samaya vows 22Jul2022 Mahāyāna, Vajrayāna Yidam Guru yoga Anuyoga Mahayoga Deity yoga Esoteric transmission Refuge in Buddhism Three Jewels and Three Roots Tibetan tantric practice Trul khor +3
Tibetan Buddhist philosophical concepts you must know 10Jun2022 Dharma, Mahāyāna Bodhicitta Dzogchen Bardo Chöd Rigpa Three Jewels and Three Roots Rangtong-Shentong History of Dzogchen Ground (Dzogchen) Five wisdoms +7