Gratitude and mindfulness in adversity

In this talk Venerable shares transformative personal experiences that highlight the power of gratitude and during challenging .

Before undergoing major surgery, she felt initial discomfort and anxiety, preoccupied with of escaping the situation.

However, the compassionate actions of medical professionals provided comfort, leading her to focus on the she received rather than her own discomfort.

This shift in perspective brought unexpected support from loved ones during recovery, including her sister and a longtime student, emphasizing the importance of acknowledging and appreciating the help of others.

Thubten Samten also discusses an unexpected sense of contentment found in facing new physical limitations, such as using a cane and slowing down her daily activities.

These changes allowed her to notice and appreciate the smaller details in life, fostering a sense of and presence.

She views these experiences as rehearsals for future challenges, encouraging the audience to embrace these moments as opportunities for growth.

Thubten Samten concludes with a call to action for the audience to focus on becoming fully awakened, emphasizing the importance of not wasting time and using every experience as a step towards greater awareness and .

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