Practicing Mahamudra with Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche

The , founded by the highly respected who is an instructor and of the and lineages of , has declared that Mingyur will be guiding an online retreat entitled “’s Song of Realization: Practicing ” from November 10th to 13th.

Tergar declared in a statement to the press that the main point of this retreat will be the seventh topic of The Mahamudra root text, written by the Indian master Tilopa.

He went on to explain that Mingyur Rinpoche will help them understand the profound instructions of the text and how they can be used not only during formal practice, but also in their everyday lives.

The four-day program will include lectures from Mingyur Rinpoche, interactive Q&A sessions with Tergar Guides, and group practices.

Participants will learn about Mahamudra meditation through The Ganges Mahamudra root verses and how to apply them to their daily lives.

Additionally, they will be instructed on how to integrate the into their own meditation practice.

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