Buddhist perspective on consuming meat
Tea House: Interviews, Commentary, Reviews, Poetry

Buddhist perspective on consuming meat

In this article debunks the perspective on consuming slaughtered deeply-rooted in the commitment to non- and towards all sentient beings.

Despite this fundamental principle, there exists a discrepancy between the and the actions of some Buddhist practitioners, particularly concerning their dietary choices.

While advocates for the avoidance of causing harm to any living being, including refraining from directly or indirectly participating in the slaughter of animals, many Buddhists continue to consume meat regularly.

In examining Buddhist and teachings, it becomes evident that the consumption of meat contradicts the ethical framework laid out by the .

The , , and texts emphasize the importance of abstaining from eating meat, except under specific circumstances, such as when receive alms during their begging rounds.

Even then, stringent rules apply, and consuming meat for pleasure or reasons is strictly forbidden.

teachings, exemplified in the Lankavatara Sutra, further reinforce the idea of compassion towards all beings and advocate for the abandonment of meat consumption.

The detrimental effects of eating meat, both on individual well-being and spiritual progression, are highlighted, urging practitioners to adopt a vegetarian or vegan .

Historically, have upheld vegetarianism as an integral aspect of practice. Despite cultural and societal influences, prominent figures like the 17th and Jetsunma have emphasized the ethical imperative of avoiding meat consumption.

However, contemporary interpretations, including those by the , have introduced complexities, leading to varying perspectives within the Buddhist community.

In conclusion, the teachings of Buddhism unequivocally discourage the consumption of slaughtered animals, aligning with broader principles of non-violence and compassion.

While challenges persist in reconciling beliefs with modern practices, adhering to the ethical guidelines set forth by the Buddha remains paramount for genuine and societal harmony.


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