Path of Fearlessness with Diana Clark and Tanya Wiser
Insight Meditation Center

Path of Fearlessness with Diana Clark and Tanya Wiser

The Path of Fearlessness program, co-led by and , is designed to help you find true by applying to the most difficult, unresolved, and frightening aspects of your life. We understand that this can be daunting, so we are here to provide support and understanding to help you develop greater self-awareness and in all areas of your life.

The Zoom program has a monthly meeting format that includes dharmettes, , and group discussions. Additionally, there are reading, writing, and reflection assignments to be completed between the monthly meetings, as well as optional small group meetings to further discuss and explore topics.

Applicants to the course should have a good understanding of and not be completely new to it.

This is usually achieved by (1) finishing IMC’s 9-month Eightfold Path program or studying ’s The Issue at Hand and (2) going to a silent retreat (online or in person).


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