Prajna and Nagarjuna’s Philosophy in Tiantai Buddhism
From the Ground Up - CA

Prajna and Nagarjuna’s Philosophy in Tiantai Buddhism

Long Gu from East Normal University provides a detailed exploration in the intricate relationship between and ’s in the context of .

The elucidates how Tiantai Learning draws from a plethora of , notably Prajna classics like the Great Prajna and Mahāprajñāpāramitāśāstra, to substantiate its core tenets such as “one and three ” and “one mind and three .”

Key objectives outlined in the research include reconciling ’s reverence for Nagarjuna while categorizing his as “Shared ,” comparing Prajna and Nagarjuna’s doctrines with Zhiyi’s “Perfect Teaching,” and examining their impact on Tiantai’s interpretation of Tathāgatagarbha.

Long Gu underscores the significance of understanding Prajna and Nagarjuna’s influence on Tiantai Buddhism, elucidating how Zhiyi’s core doctrines were shaped by these philosophical underpinnings.

The report also highlights the broader implications of studying the absorption and interpretation of Prajna and Nagarjuna’s thoughts in , insights into their localization and influence on Chinese .

Furthermore, it delves into Zhiyi’s unique approach of synthesizing various Buddhist thoughts under the framework of the “Truth of Perfect Teaching,” shedding light on the ideological of Tiantai philosophy.


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