During a lecture on "Teachings on Ethics" by Thích Nhất Hạnh
Plum Village - Thich Nhat Hanh

The wisdom that removes the root of violence

During a lecture on “ on Ethics” by , he emphasized that genuine encompasses both focus and .

Enlightenment is not a distant concept, but rather a part of our everyday lives.

By practicing mindfulness and effectively, you can delve into the depths of your and attain profound understanding, similar to drawing from a well.

The concepts of “emptiness,” “interbeing,” “,” “non-self,” and “interdependent origination” are not mere ideas, but rather powerful for deepening insight.

They can be cultivated through focused () and have the potential to bring about transformative realizations.

Ethics, morality, should be based on right view, the first element of the Noble Eightfold Path.

The concept of right view in involves perceiving without discrimination or dualistic thinking, and it should not be something one becomes attached to.

Practicing non- to views is crucial in Buddhism as it can contribute to a more world.

By letting go of strong beliefs, it eliminates the fundamental cause of conflict and .

It becomes impossible to justify killing in the name of a higher power, truth, ideology, personal viewpoint, or .

Once you adopt a non-dualistic mindset, discrimination ceases to exist and conflicts between ideologies, religions, and concepts of truth no longer occur.

By having a correct understanding, you can engage in ethical behavior that is beneficial and supportive.

This includes actions that protect, save, help, and support others. With this understanding, you will also choose a livelihood that does not harm living beings or the environment, allowing you to contribute to sustainable development.

When you can generate a thought that aligns with correct thinking, it will be marked by comprehension, care, and affection. And when you have such a thought, you experience a sense of inner . The proper thinking you are engaging in starts to bring about for yourself and for the world.


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