About Asana

Asana is a "steady and comfortable posture", referring specifically to the seated, meditative postures used for meditation practices.

Products related to Asana

What is Gate Pose?

Kneeling Asana Parighasana – Gate Pose

Parighasana is known as Gate Pose.  Gate Pose is a kneeling in as exercise. Parighasana is one of the simplest for beginners to start with. The name is derived from the Parigha, referring to the bar that closes a gate, and asana, meaning "posture." It offers a number of physical, mental, and spiritual benefits to the practitioner despite its simplicity. History of Gate Pose The asana is not known before the .

The Balancing Asana – Vrikshasana

Vrikshasana is also known as Tree Pose. Vrikshasana is a balancing . It is one of the very few standing poses in medieval and remains popular in as exercise. Vrikhasana is a standing asana that improves balance, focus, and mental clarity. The name comes from the vrikhsa means "tree," and asana means"pose."This asana requires the practitioner to stand on one leg with the other leg bent so the footrests on .
What is Setu Bandha Sarvangasana?

Setu Bandha Sarvangasana – Bridge Pose

Setu Sarvangasana is a Shoulder-supported bridge or simply Bridge also called Setu Bandhasana. Setu Bandha Sarvangasana is an inverted back-bending in and as exercise. Setu bandha Sarvangasana is one of the basic backbends poses that prepare one for advanced backbend versions. The term is derived from the Setu, meaning "bridge," bandha, meaning "lock," Sarva, meaning "all," Anga, meaning, "limb," and asana meaning "pose."   Of Setu Bandha Sarvangasana The pose .

Bhujangasana – The Cobra Pose

or Cobra Pose is a reclining back-bending in and as exercise. It is commonly performed in a cycle of asanas in (Salute to the ) as an alternative to Urdhva Mukha Svanasana. The name comes from the words Bhujanga, "snake" or "cobra" and asana, "posture" or "seat", from the resemblance to a cobra with its hood raised. Bhujangasana is the Sanskrit name for a popular  .

Trikonasana- Modern yoga Triangle Pose

Trikonasana or Utthita Trikonasana is known as Triangle Pose is a standing in as exercise. Variations include Baddha Trikonasana and Parivrtta Trikonasana. Trikonasana is a standing that requires strength, balance, and flexibility. In this posture, both arms extend with the legs spread apart and one foot turned at a 90-degree angle. The upper bends toward the lead foot so that one arm reaches toward but not necessarily touching, the .

Mother of all Asana- Tadasana

Tadasana is a standing in as exercise.  Tadasana is not described in medieval texts. It is the basis for several other standing asanas. Tadasana is also known as the mother of all asana. Tadasana is also known as mountain pose. Whilst not the most exciting of poses, Tadasana or Mountain Pose is simple and un-technical. For that reason ego, most yoga practitioners ignore or pass over this pose. Tadasana is .
Hatha Yoga

Hatha Yoga – Origin, Benefits and Asanas

is the tradition most familiar to Western . The term is derived from the ha, meaning "," and tha, meaning "moon." The practice aims to unite the active and receptive qualities represented by each celestial being. Hatha yoga is a branch of yoga. In , hatha yoga is associated with popular tradition with the of the Natha through its founder Matsyendranath. Almost all Hatha yogic texts belong to .

Specifix Asana for Weight Reduction

The slim, svelte figure is a goal of our , especially for the female sex, so that the next series of may be of particular interest to women. From the of , the elimination of excess fat has been one means of achieving - harmony. Even before modern insurance actuaries pointed out the correlation between excess weight and high mortality, had determined that every pound of weight above normal .
What is Downward Facing Dog Pose?

What is Downward Facing Dog Pose?

Downward Dog Pose and Downward-facing Dog Pose is also known as Adho Mukha Shvanasana. Downward-facing Dog Pose is an inversion in as exercise which is often practiced as part of a flowing sequence of poses especially which means the Salute to the . The asana does not have formally named variations but several playful variants are used to assist beginning practitioners to become comfortable in the pose. Downward Dog stretches .