About Bell

Hindu and Buddhist bells, called "Ghanta" in Sanskrit, are used in religious ceremonies. See also singing bowls. A bell hangs at the gate of many Hindu temples and is rung at the moment one enters the temple.

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Namkhai Nyingpo Thangka Painting from 19th century

19th century Painting of Namkhai Nyingpo 

'i Nyingpo one of the twenty-five disciples of , is depicted with long-life implements. Other details of this nineteenth-century from Kham suggest from 's story of and Dorje Tso. Namkhai Nyingpo is performing a long-life ritual in this . He holds upraised in the right hand an arrow of and a scepter. In the left hand, a is held close to the heart. In the sky above, at the .

Ram Mandir and the legend of Battisputali

There were scupltures of fairies placed inside the inner walls of Ram Mandir which led to the place being called Battisputali (32 fairies with butterfly wings). There is an enthralling story behind the fairies installed here. The epic Ramayana written by Valmiki has captivated people from all over the world for centuries. is believed to be the seventh incarnation of Lord . He is worshipped by from all over .

The Holy Sites and Vibrant Tales in Dang

The Pandeshwor Mahadev is thought to have been established by Pandavas during their exile. There’s also an interesting local legend regarding the inside the temple and Saaj tree attached to the temple. When we travel through the Valley, which lies between the Mahabharat Range in the north and the Churia Range in the south, we travel back in , into the exciting tales of , , and queens. There .

Buddhist Stupa – Kadam Chorten

The Kadam Style is distinguished by a simple but top with a parasol and thirteen falling discs. A square balcony-like structure with a round -shaped bottom is placed in the center, all of which is above around double foundation. Kadam are commonly used as reliquaries. Some include only connected , while others contain the ashes of a or other renowned person. They frequently contain numerous kinds of treasure, ranging from .

Appearances and Identifications of Vajrapani

is one of the earliest and most recognizable characters of . He is known for carrying a  scepter and being a close attendant to the historical according to the . In , Vajrapani is entrusted to safeguard all of the literature and in this regard, he is known as Guhyapati - the Lord of Secrets. Different of Vajrapani Vajrapani manifests in a variety of forms and looks, ranging from placid .

All about Guhyasamaja Tantra

Guhyasamja is one of 's most fascinating, difficult, and essential personalities. It combines various important , into one sculpture. It is predominantly is call Akshobhayavajara which is the form of Akshobhaya buddha. Guhyasamja is the foremost meditational deity of the Method-father class of . Guhyasamaja has two main traditions, the Arya () Lineage, and the Jnana (Jnanapada) Lineage. There are three principal iconographic of Guhyasamaja; Akshobhyavajra (blue), (orange), .

Sitatapatra – Goddess of the White Parasol

is known as a protector against supernatural danger in . She is venerated in both the and traditions. She is also known as Sitatapatra. Sitatapatra is a powerful independent deity emanated by from his Usnisa. Sitatapatra is known as   Dug Kar mo in . and Sitatapatra is also known as The , Crown Ornament of the in English. of Sitatapatra Sitatapatra is white in color with 1000 faces, .

The 9 Vehicles of Nyingma Tradition By Alak Zenkar Rinpoche

Our teacher, the fourth guide of this fortunate eon, the incomparable lord of sages, Sakyamuni, gave infinite as means to enter the of the causal and resultant vehicles, in accordance with the particular temperaments, spiritual faculties, and attitudes of disciples. Nevertheless, they may all be included within the three vehicles, which, in turn, may be further subdivided into nine successive stages. The General says: The ultimate definitive vehicle Certainly appears as three in number: The .