About Boudhanath

Bouddha, also known as Boudhanath, Khasti Chaitya and Khāsa Chaitya is a stupa in Kathmandu, Nepal. Located about 11 km (6.8 mi) from the center and northeastern outskirts of Kathmandu, its massive mandala makes it one of the largest spherical stupas in Nepal and the world.
Dakini Translations - Adele Tomlin
Foundation for the Preservation of the Mahayana Tradition
World Peace Pagoda, Lumbini

Buddhist Stupas in Nepal – The relics of the Buddha

in Nepal date back to the Licchavi period. is one of the oldest known buildings in the country and was likely built in the 5th century. It was built in Swayambhu, Kathmandu, where the land was declared as sacred to Siddhartha Gautama (Buddha), by the 3rd Emperor of the Maurya Dynasty Ashoka the Great in the 3rd century BCE. According to the legends, the stupa came out of a sacred lotus at the centre .
Bokar Monastery, Mirik, India

10 Buddhist Monastery around Kathmandu

started after the birth of Lord , the founder of himself. was born in , at the Kingdom of Kapilbasthu as a Prince nearly around 500BC. He then left the palace in search of . Gradually, after his enlightenment, Buddhism became a presiding in the northern areas of the country. also started growing in mostly the central part of Nepal. Ethnic groups from .
Kathmandu Valley

11 Monasteries around Kathmandu Valley

There are many , , and around valley some of them are listed below: Kopan MonasterySwayambhunath StupaThrangu Tashi Choling MonasteryShechen MonasteryNamobuddha monasterySeto GumbaBouddhanath MonasteryCharumati StupaSeto Machhendranath TempleTharlam MonasteryShree Ghah Gumba Kopan Monastery is located in Kathmandu . Kopan Monastery is a  monastery near . In this monastery, the ceremony is held with or in an auspicious day and the and are purified with perfume and incense. The will .

Temples of Kathmandu after the 2015 earthquake

The of April 25, 2015, did not only harm the lives of Nepalese people but also did a serious damage to the historical and the monuments. It has already been more than two years but many are not still renovated. There is a number of donations coming from national and international level still are not repaired. Let's have a glimpse of temples destructed during the devastating earthquake and their condition .