About Hearts

The heart is a muscular organ in most animals, which pumps blood through the blood vessels of the circulatory system.
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108 Verses Praising Great Compassion By Lama Lobsang Tayang

This translation of 108 Verses Praising is of the renowned Lobsang Tayang's . He was a highly esteemed interpreter of the Gelugpa tradition, and his writings cover a wide range of literature, , logic and . About Lama Lobsang Tayang was born in 1867 in the Gobi desert, was renowned for his vast of . He was compared to the Indian pandit Ashvagosha, author of the “50 Verses .

Buddha Vairocana – The embodiment of Dharmakaya

is a who has also known as the embodiment of Dharmakaya and therefore can be seen as the universal aspect of the historical . In Sino-Japanese , he seems to the embodiment of the concept of shunyata or Emptiness. In the fifth Buddhism Conception of , he is at the center. His consort is . The Vairocana statue in Nara's Todai-Ji which is located in is the largest .
marichi Thangka

Explaining Goddess of Dawn and Light Marichi

The Goddess of the Dawn is depicted in many different . Sometimes rides a white horse through the sky, banishing the darkness and driving back the night with the orb of the in the outstretched right hand. More commonly Marichi is yellow or red in color, with one, three or more faces and six to twelve arms, seated on a chariot drawn by seven pigs, or horses, removing all obstacles to and .
Yeshe Tsogyal

Yogini Yeshe Tsogyal – Mother of Tibetan Buddhism

Tsogyal was the Mother of . Some sources regard her as a wife of , Emperor of . Her main consort was , a founder-figure of the tradition of . She is known to have revealed terma with Padmasambhava and was also the main scribe for this terma. Later, also hid many of Padmasambhava's terma on her own, under the instructions of Padmasambhava for future generations. Born a .

The Dark Armies of the Dharma

Avalokitesvara, the Lord of , gazes out across the world, his white radiance soothing the of living beings. With one pair of hands, he clasps to his heart the wish-fulfilling gem of his to eradicate the world's pain. In his upper left hand, he holds of spiritual receptivity, the to leave the mud of and reach up toward the of true . Above his head, we sense .
Buy Medicine Buddha Thangka online

Medicine Buddha as Chinese Pantheon

, one of the three, one of the three foremost Buddhas of the Chinese Pantheon, is a Buddha of the past era. He is known as Yao Shih Fwo. Better known to the people like the Buddha of or the of , he is dear to the of many, for they have indeed received his blessings in the of miraculous from all kinds of illness. The title ‘Master of Healing’, .
Kathmandu Valley

11 Monasteries around Kathmandu Valley

There are many , , and around valley some of them are listed below: Kopan MonasterySwayambhunath StupaThrangu Tashi Choling MonasteryShechen MonasteryNamobuddha monasterySeto GumbaBouddhanath MonasteryCharumati StupaSeto Machhendranath TempleTharlam MonasteryShree Ghah Gumba Kopan Monastery is located in Kathmandu . Kopan Monastery is a  monastery near . In this monastery, the ceremony is held with or in an auspicious day and the and are purified with perfume and incense. The will .

The Buddha’s Way of Virtue

Introduction The was accepted at the Council of Asoka in 240 B.C. as a collection of the sayings of Gautama, yet it was not put into writing until some generations had passed, and probably contains accretions of later date. However that may be, there is no doubt that it breathes the very of the Teacher, and it has always been used in lands as a handbook of "devotion" or , in whose solemn .

Seventh Step – Right Attentiveness

What is ? The only way that leads to the attainment of , to the overcoming of sorrow and lamentation, to the end of pain and grief, to the entering upon the right path and the realization of , is the "Four Fundamentals of ." In them, the disciple dwells in of the , in contemplation of Feeling, in contemplation of the , in contemplation of the Mind-objects, ardent, clearly conscious and attentive, .

A Short Story Of Amitabha

The Sakyamuni described the Buddha  to Ananda. The Light that issues from is the most brilliant, and none is comparable to him. In adoration we call him: The Buddha of  The Buddha of Immeasurable Light The Buddha of Boundless Light The Buddha of Inexpressible Light The Buddha whose Light surpasses the and the Moon Whoever is with the Light will enjoy a and life which is free of .