About Manjushree

Manjushri the Bodhisattva of Wisdom, normally holds a sword in one hand, to cut off all delusion. Manjushri is one of the most important iconic figures in Mahayana Buddhism and is known as the Bodhisattva of Great Wisdom.

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The Legend of Manjushree and the Mystical Paleo Kathmandu Lake

meaning “gentle glory” is often perceived as a divine being who brought order to the valley when it was a Paleo Kathmandu Lake, by cutting down the Chobhar gorge, draining out the and making the land suitable for life. Even more intriguing is the way he did it, by using a supernatural armament, a sword of godly might, cutting the valley into two. On the historical side of affairs, there are .

Manjushree, the God and the temples

- " of Divine "  whose confers mastery of the , retentive memory, mental perfection, and eloquence. He is one of the of Bodhistawas and symbolizes the wisdom. Manjushree is considered as the founder of Nepalese civilization and the creator of Valley. According to the tradition, he was a Chinese Saint. His intuition told him of the blue flame (symbolizing Adibuddha or Swayamnhu) on a in the big lake of . His purpose to .

Muktinath and the Muktikshetra in Mustang

The holy from Gandaki river gushing out of the 108 water spouts are said to cleanse the devotees of their sins and set them on a path to salvation. The waters are to as well and it’s called '' in language meaning "a hundred springs". The Muktinath pilgrimage The are believed to be terrestrial dwelling place of saints and the home of the . The Muktinath situated at an .

The Stupas of Kathmandu valley – History & splendor

The of valley are unique in their and cultural relevance. They are a feat of intricate craftsmanship and artistry. From the domes, to the pillar bearing an umbrella to the beautiful doorways and the eyes (painted on most in ) all portray exemplary . Stupas not only remind us of the splendor of the and architecture of the past, they also have great and spiritual significance in .

Tales of Hiranya Varna Mahavihar – The Golden Temple

The golden and its sublime architectural design, the marvelous artefacts and engrossing stories have startled the of visitors and left them pondering for years. is a captivating city boasting some majestic temples and poking out from behind modern buildings to those found along the old narrow alleys and streets There are many shrines dedicated to in Patan and you don’t have to be practicing Buddhism to appreciate the architectural significance .
5 forms of Manjushri

Depicting 5 Forms of Manjushri Thangka

Wutaishan Mountain in is considered special for the deity/. According to oral and Chinese literature, it was who first talked about the five different of . 5 forms of are represented on each of the five peaks: central and four directions. The Five Manjushri forms are not depicted in a consistent manner. There are many iconographic differences appearing between the various be they central figures or .
manjushri Thangka

All about Manjushri Bodhisattva – Meaning, Iconography and Belief

is the  of . The sword in the hand of Manjushri is called the Prajna khadga or the Sword of Wisdom, which is believed to destroy the darkness of by the luminous rays issuing out of it. Manjushri, the full name of Manjushri, is a transliteration of the , which translates into a wonderful virtue, a wonderful head, and wonderful auspiciousness. Manjushri is a representative of prajna wisdom, often appearing in the classics of .

The Manjushri Mantra Banner

is a who symbolizes , and his reflects that attribute. In his right hand, he wields a sword, indicating his ability to cut through deception. In his left hand, by his heart, he holds the stem of a flower, which bears a book - the Perfection of Wisdom , or . Who is Manjushri? In , Manjushri is a bodhisattva associated with Prajna. In , his name means "Gentle Glory". .

Short History of Thangka & Paubhas

The of and is very old and was practiced as early as 3rd century B.C. in and . The word "" is believed to have come from the word "thang yig" meaning a written record. This scared is known as Paubas in Nepali and Newari and Thangka in Tibetan are paraphernalia of and experience jotting them down in form of art on the . .

Highest Price Mandala – Rakta Yamari worth $45 million

There has been a record that a was sold for $45 million. The is the artwork from . How much was the sold? In the year 2014, there was an auction held in for the and different other artworks. The tapestry was sold to a Shanghai tycoon for $45 million (HK$348 million) at auction in Hong Kong. when seen from a distance the thangka is a shade of red and gold .