About Music

Music is an art form and cultural activity whose medium is sound organized in time. The common elements of music are pitch, rhythm, dynamics, and the sonic qualities of timbre and texture.
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How singing bowls are made in Nepal?

For many centuries, sound and are used as a that helps to promote and . The is one of the primary instruments for this purpose created by mankind. These are and spiritual made from metals when hit creates thoughtful and heavenly sound. This sound repeats as if the is demonstrating upon one’s beautiful soul. Singing bowl - Sound Healing Singing Bowl is additionally referred to as one among .

Representation of Dragons in Tibetan Culture

has the largest tradition of Dragon which dates back more than 7000 years. are not just mythical stories or just some curiosities. They are part of life and . The of dragons are everywhere from the beginning of Tibetan and the importance is still up until today. In Tibet, Dragon is considered as one of the dignities. There is a total of four dignities. Tiger, , and the  .
What is Yin Yoga?

All you need to know about Yin Yoga – Origin, History, Benefits and Steps

is a slow-paced style of as exercise which is incorporating principles of Chinese with that are held for longer periods of than in other styles. For beginners, asanas may be held from 45 seconds to two minutes or more advanced practitioners may stay in one asana for five minutes or more. The sequences of postures are meant to stimulate the channels of the known as .

All You need to know about Jivamukti Yoga

The method is a proprietary style of which is created by David Life and Sharon Gannon in 1984. Jivamukti is an ethical, physical, and that fuses vigorous yoga with adherence to five central tenets. Many celebrities follow this Yogic Style over . For spiritual, psychological, and physical growth, the fusion of five principles with is crucial. So this is obvious to experience an overall transformation in your .

King of East – Dhritarashtra

is the of Kuru Kingdom with its capital Hastinapur. Dhritarashtra was born blind and became father to one hundred sons and one daughter Dushala by his wife Gandhari. The Life of Dhritarashtra In this section, we are going to learn about the life of Dhritarashtra. After that, we will learn about the short etymological description of the word Dhritarashtra itself. And Finally, we will highlight the role of Dhritarashtra in the epic Mahabharata. Dhritarashtra .
Lama Teacher Gotsangpa Gonpo Dorje

Explaining Lama Teacher Gotsangpa Gonpo Dorje

Gotsangpa Gonpo Dorje was known as of the Drukpa school, well known for his and said to have been an emanation of . The Viability of Gotsangpa Gonpo Dorje In this section, we are going to learn about the viability of Gotsangpa Gonpo Dorje. And after that, we will learn about the short etymological description. Etymology of Gotsangpa Gonpo Dorje Gotsangpa Gonpo Dorje is known as Rgod tshang pa mgon po rdo rje .
singing bowl therapy

All you need to know about Singing Bowls

are a mysterious combination of , science, , and sound an connection for humanity. This rich mesh of qualities makes for many different paths of enjoyment. of Singing also known as , , DhoniPatra(sound, vessel), and suzu gongs are used for , healing purpose, sound , purpose, sound yoga, sound meditation with chantings, which have great medicinal and used from ancient .

Explaining Ancient Sridevi (Dudsolma)

Shri is not one entity or personality. Depending on the form of Shri Devi she could be a wrathful emanation of a number of different deities such as Shri Devi Magzor Gyalmo is the wrathful form of Sarasvati. Some of Shri Devi with four arms such as Dudusolma are the wrathful form of Shri . There are dozens of different variations and forms of Shri Devi. Shri Devi wrathful with one face and .
Yeshe Tsogyal

Yogini Yeshe Tsogyal – Mother of Tibetan Buddhism

Tsogyal was the Mother of . Some sources regard her as a wife of , Emperor of . Her main consort was , a founder-figure of the tradition of . She is known to have revealed terma with Padmasambhava and was also the main scribe for this terma. Later, also hid many of Padmasambhava's terma on her own, under the instructions of Padmasambhava for future generations. Born a .
Root Chakra Mandala

Root Chakra – Primary energy storage

The is also called in which is primary energy . It is located at the base of the spine in the vicinity of the coccygeal plexus beneath the sacrum. It is associated with your most basic survival needs. Where is root is located on the ? Muladhara is located at the base of the spine, the pelvic floor, and the first three vertebrae, the root chakra is responsible for your sense .